mercoledì 18 dicembre 2013

Before the Night Begins – Editorial on VOLO MAGAZINE ISSUE #10

Here my last editorial for VOLO MAGAZINE ISSUE #10

It is with great honor and great pleasure to be on VOLO MAGAZINE issue #10, a magazine that has hosted famous names in contemporary photography. In this issue the Exclusive editorial with the magnificent Elisa Tes Tes and an outstanding team (make-up and Hair Stylist: Laura De Propris, Assistant: Simone Bianchi)

giovedì 12 dicembre 2013

9 visions instantanées

Here the Official Page

The book is written in three languages: Italian, English, French. Emotions, dreams and desires represent the notes of this photo book. Nine women, nine snapshots, nine introspective portraits….. a sequence of images with an alternating rhythm. I drew inspiration from the movie “Der Himmel über Berlin” (Wings of Desire) and I really got into the title role as an observer…


Emotions, dreams and desires represent the notes of this photo book.
Nine women, nine snapshots, nine introspective portraits….. a sequence of images with an  alternating rhythm.

I drew inspiration from the movie  “Der Himmel über Berlin” (Wings of Desire) and I really got into the title role as an observer. Through a visual path, I’ll carry you into the lives of each women to let you take part of their most intimate thoughts. You are going to be involved in a photo story in order to have their same sensations, hopefully like a Déjà vu, by listening to the background music played during each shooting. My purpose is to make you feel those moments so that what remains in your memory, is not only an image but rather an experience of your life.

Product Details

ISBN: 9781291577174
Copyright: Walter Fantauzzi (standard copyright license)
Edition: First Edition
Language: English, Italian, French
Pages: 172 + 4 cover pages
Binding Softcover with Thermal Binding
Black and white ink contained
Weight: 0.55 kg

Dimensions (in inches)

Width: 8,5″
Height: 11″


Uno shooting introspettivo. Stavolta è il fotografo a diventare modello. Il nostro affezionato Walter Fantauzzi si mette a nudo – in tutti i sensi – davanti alle lenti di Emanuela Marino.
Dopo il successo dovuto alla pubblicazione del suo libro “9 Visions Instantanées”, Fantauzzi si concede un po’ di spazio per sé.
“U come Uomo” ritrae il fotografo romano come non l’abbiamo mai visto prima, privo di “filtri” e di veli, ma pur sempre artista. E’ lui infatti a curare lo shooting, con passione e disinvoltura. E’ come vedere l’altra faccia della medaglia, guardarlo allo specchio, spiarlo nell’intimo, per una conoscenza più approfondita. Il tutto in un bianco e nero pungente, che vale come firma per la fotografa Emanuela Marino.
Ecco come lui stesso descrive questo lavoro:
“U” come “uomo” “U” dietro l’artista, l’uomo. Dal detto “L’abito non fa il monaco” l’artista si denuda del superfluo per dimostrare che non sono le attrezzature a creare un’immagine. L’artista é forma di se stesso, é egli l’opera principale, il resto sono satelliti e costellazioni. Privo di ogni mezzo fisico e tecnologico, l’Uomo é in grado comunque di creare, e da questa proprietà ne deriva la capacità artistica di produrre immagini e comunicazione, ovunque ed in ogni dove. Una panoramica di immagini rapite da dietro le quinte surreali di un set intimistico, mostrano attimi di empatia tra fotografo e soggetto. Un’altalenarsi di scorci e panoramiche che arrivano ai primi piani spinti, in un bianco e nero netto e deciso. “U” come “Uomo” vi farà schizzare rapidamente fuori la fotografia, oltre l’artista, oltre l’immagine stessa.
Laura Cannistraro –

“U” is for “Uomo” / .Get Inspired! Magazine

“U” is for “Uomo” / .Get Inspired! Magazine

From the way of saying “The gown does not make the friar” the artist bares himself from the superfluous to prove that aren’t the equipment that will create an image. The artist is his great work, the rest of his artworks are only satellites and constellations. Devoid of any physical and technological items, the “Uomo” (alias the Man) is still able to create. From this featuring He follows his artistic ability to produce images / communications anywhere and everywhere.
An overview of images abducted behind the scenes of a surreal intimate set, they steal moments of empathia between photographer and subject. Alternating panoramic views and close-ups that driven the viewers in a clean and sharp black and white. “U” is for “Uomo” goes beyond photography, as well as the artist, as well as the image itself.
Photography: Emanuela Marino –
Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist: Laura De Propris
Model: Susan Liliu – Walter Fantauzzi
Art Director: Walter Fantauzzi